Catamaran Style floating conveyor belts
NC series
Specifically designed for the conveying of aggregates from underwater excavation by means of clamshell dredges. Built in floating modular elements, catamaran version, independent each other, joined by hinges, are assembled in easy to handle blocks, in order to facilitate and optimize the transport, reducing global costs.
Equipped, as standard, with lateral walkways placed on both sides of the conveyor, and built by a number of floating modules function of the desired length, the traction head assembly is composed by a group of floating pontoon and by a support structure laying on a fifth wheel that allow the connection and the rotation of various conveyours assembled in series.

Main construction specifications
- Traction head
• shaft mounted gearbox, with reverse turning block, oil bath lubrication, directly coupled to the head pulley shaft
• head pulley, barrel profile and rubber lined (diamond lagging), assembled on bearings lodged into oversized berings housing; bloccked to the main shaft by two heavy duty shrink disks.
• snub pulley to increase teh head pulley winding angle, made by round rods cage or standard cyclindrical shapen (depending on teh application), assembled on a main shaft and heavy duty bearings. Standard applied on conveyors with more than 11kW installed power.
Tail head and takeup
• load Hopper steelwork manufactured with 5mm thickness steel plate, integrated rubber lips, height adjustable
• barrel machined tail pulley. Assembled on heavy duty bearings and supports, blocked to the shaft with shrink disks
• belt takeup system: the tail pulley is assembled on a sliding system drived by a cable winch. It allow a regulation of about 2000mm.
- Idler and rollers
integrating sealed for life rollers (two or three depending on the belt width), with a structure built by metal sheet supports welded on a U shaped beams.
- Rubber Belt
all resistence classes available, selecten depending on the application.
- Belt scraper
• urethane X section scraper, with Rosta elastomer tensioning system
• Delta scraper on the tail head, specifically designe with tail pulley protection lips to avoid any rock intrusion on the ineer side of the belt
- Floating pontoons
the assembly is composed by thwo identic floating modules, each o them is made by three independent seals chambers. Conveyor support beams are bolted on the pontoons and support the side walkways.
Thecnical Specifications
(°) belt drums wheelbase
Belt maximum width | [ mm ] | 800 x 1200 | |
Maximum length (°) | [ m ] | 31 - 150 | |
Rated working speed | [ m/s ] | 1.2 - 1.5 | |
Maximum capacity (°) | [ t/h ] | 300 - 500 | |
Inastalled Power | [ kW ] | 15 – 30 |
- independent sections, carbide blades, scraper. Tension of ach blade section is controlled by a dedicated rubber spring that absorbes vibrations and shocks and maintein the correct pressure on the belt.
- discharge hopper with standard or custom design.
- proximity swithch to detect belt rotation, speed meter, in line scales.